The Reality Of Reality TV: Popular Reality TV Shows

The Reality Of Reality TV: Popular Reality TV Shows

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Popular Reality TV Shows

While there are a variety of Reality TV shows that are available for you to watch, there are some that are far more popular than others. The following are brief overviews of some of the most popular Reality TV shows ever.

American Idol

One of the most popular Reality TV shows to ever be aired is American Idol. This is a show that goes around the country auditioning people who want to be singers. While the beginning can be quite comical as you listen to people with no musical talent try out, as the show progresses and the final contestants are announced, it becomes a more intense show that leaves viewers on the edge of their seats. The finalists perform for audiences and the judges comment on their performances, but the viewers get involved by voting for their favorite singer each night. The person with the lowest votes is then voted off of the show. The number one singer on American Idol receives a recording contract and usually goes on to have a very successful music career.

So You Think You Can Dance

Another one of the top Reality TV shows is the show, So You Think You Can Dance. This is a show that is much like American Idol; however, this show is centered around dancing. While it starts almost the same way, with auditions around the United States, the finalists in this show are challenged in a variety of ways. Contestants have to pick partners and learn to dance new styles of dance, even if they are not familiar with them, and then they perform to try to win over the votes of the viewers. While initially the outcome was determined by the judges votes, recently they decided to start allowing the viewers to vote for their favorite dancer, which made this show even more popular than ever before.

These are just a couple of the most popular Reality TV shows, but there are many more that you may be interested in. Other great shows to consider are: Biggest Loser, Top Model, Survivor, Dancing with the Stars, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, and Fear Factor.

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